nokono Island! | おまけの裏側




after I picke up her at Yakuinn station ,I went to nokono island since afternooon by my bike.

we ride across Nokono Island in ship.

and walk to flower garden.

waliking is also good.

because of we can enjoy sceane ,and can notice that thing we don't mind for everyday is wonderful.

for example,sea,trees, thoes smell adn sound ,feeling to ground etc.

but are tired a litlle・・・・

we arrived at folower garden.

and then went and look cosmea.

It's great!

many many many cosmeas spred .I saw for the first time.

for a while we was seeing those and cute children.

and then .we strolled garden,and see other flowers,animals-rabit,goat,bird.

and then came back main island,and went to marinoa.

but I don't have money,so couldn't bay anything.

we decide to go again on Saturday or Sunday of next week.

so we ride Fellis wheel because it's free.and ate tantan noodlle.

and send off her at yakuin staion.

I came home and eat rice.


I will join at autmobill school on Saturday od thisweek.

I shouldn't have rented money to perrents.

I have much debts to perrents.

I surely resive.