failed・・・ | おまけの裏側



yesterday I driked with Sio and Mr.napa.

I was going to return normal life like to wake up til PM12:00.


I failed .

I waked up at 13:00・・・・I sleeped for 9 hours.

I'm foolish.

waht run over can't be helped .

and then .

I studied,bought dust bag ,tel her,clearn clothes,and tel her.

I ask her to gave mornig call in about 9:30.

I noticed “I can't wake up at mornig by myself”

I'm pitiful・・・・


I will buy text , “elastostatics ”.

Old text is about half value of new in Internet.

That is 1000 yen is 4500 yen!

It's good price ♪

I shaked down to write daiary englsh.But a little bit !!

I feeled now.

mabey I mistake much.

howevr ,I don't mind miss.

because I think It's important to try !