I'm tired. | おまけの裏側



today.I waked 11:00.

I walkde hospital of Kyushu Unvercity where I parke my bike.

I will prke it at parking of my apartment since today.

and then.I went to my lab.

I have to change schedule.

because we have to read experience to B3 at Tuesday .

I mainly set up schedule at Tuesday and Thuresday.

It's miss!!

I managed to control .

and then .I studied crystallography of martensaite transformation.

I stady matrix and determinante yet.

I did'nt understand perfect.

I want to get knowlege to understand event of all material .


Assistant professor of my lab advanced to professor.


We will open suprise party at Wednesday when we report result of experiment untill Octorber.

We will gift to him fountain pen .